We’ve seen it here, we’ve seen it everywhere; so-called liberalization has meant the privatization of core institutions that serve the public good. Health, education, electricity, transit, communication, sewage and water are, in the new philosophy, simply profit potentialities that should be offered only to those who can pay. It’s just business and who better, the logic continues, benefit these profit potentialities but the international business elite?
Of course this line of “thought” hasn’t been embraced by everyone. Nurses in Halifax, bus drivers in Vancouver, peasants in Bolivia, are some of the vanguard of a burgeoning resistance to the new world economic order.
On today’s show, a woman who’s been engaging and challenging the precepts of monolithic rule for almost twenty years. Vandana Shiva is a scientist/activist, feminist, author, and winner of the ‘Alternate Nobel’, the Right Livelihood Award. Her book titles, “Biopiracy: the plunder of nature and knowledge”, “Ecofeminism”, “Monocultures of the Mind: perspectives on biodiversity and biotechnology”, grace the shelves of today’s most progressive ecologists, feminists, and activists working to change the world for the betterment of all.