Gorilla Radio – Paul Craig Roberts and Angela Bischoff

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook

Paul Craig Roberts and Angela Bischoff.

Paul Craig Roberts is an economist, journalist, and co-author of the book, ‘The Tyranny of Good Intentions.’ Roberts describes himself still as a conservative Republican, though left behind by what the Bush administration and its policies are making of America. Paul Craig Roberts in the first half.

And; is the state of the world driving you mad? Anti-depressant drugs sales are booming, but are they the answer to depression, or a health threat?

Angela Bischoff has worked toward justice and environmental sustainable for nearly twenty years. Living in four different Canadian cities, she and
partner, Tooker Gomberg organized dozens of education and advocacy campaigns and half a dozen election bids and created the activist website, Greenspiration.org. Since the untimely death of her partner, she’s been on a speaking tour to bring awareness of the downside and dangers of
anti-depressants. Angela Bischoff in the second half.