In his article, 'A Letter from Canada: The New Religious Right,' award-winning American journalist Chris Hedges exposes what few of his Canadian colleagues will, the profound changes current prime minister, Stephen Harper is importing from south of the border, and their effective undermining of Canadian society. Quoting Hedges, he says: "Stephen Harper, inspired by the neocons to the south, appears determined to visit the worst excesses of George Bush's presidency on his own country." Chris Hedges and Harper's fundamental reordering of Canada in the first half.
And; Even as America's military ideology sinks into the fetid mire of moral disgust, its outrages recently and finally recognized by that country's electorate, the Canadian establishment remains firm on the need for Canada to "stay the course," refusing to "cut and run" in Afghanistan.
So enamored with the American way is Mr. Harper, he would have Canada enjoin with it permanently, putting an end to the nation much as he killed the country's founding political party.
Connie Fogal is the leader of the Canadian Action Party, and constitutional law lawyer, who says “under agreements entered under the Liberal regime post 9/11 including the Smart Border Plan and the Security and Prosperity Partnership Agreement, Canada is now but a step away from surrendering national sovereignty and being subsumed into a so-called North American Union. Connie Fogal and the end of the entity now known as Canada in the first half.
And Janine Bandcroft will be here at the bottom of the hour to bring us up to speed with all that's good to do in and around Victoria this week. But first, Chris Hedges and Stephen Harper's pal God, ascending in Ottawa.