Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook – Laura Flanders, Kurt Nimmo may 04

We’re now all too familiar with the swagger and uber machismo typifying George W. and his hyper-masculine administration. But way back at the turn of the century, Bush’s handlers knew they had to re-brand the perennial frat brat, petty criminal, failed businessman, and oft quoted misogynist vulgarian into a package palatable enough to woo the largest untapped constituency in American politics: Undecided, suburban women. <br><br>Enter the Bushwomen, highly placed conservative mid-wives tasked to birth the candidate anew. Thus, from pussy-huntin,’ silver-spoon fed Texas freebooter, "Dubya," sprang George "the W. stands for Women" Bush, compassionate conservative. And the rest is his story.<br><br>

Laura Flanders
is an activist, journalist, radio host, author, and founding director of the Women’s Desk at Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, or FAIR. Her books include, ‘Real Majority, Media Minority: the Cost of Sidelining Women in Reporting,’ and the recently released, New York Times bestseller, ‘Bushwomen: Tales of a Cynical Species.’ Laura is a frequently published columnist and television commentator Canadians may remember for her many appearances on C.B.C.’s public affairs program, Counterspin, and can now be heard on the newly created Laura Flanders Show, broad/webcast on Air America. Laura Flanders in the first segment.<br><br>

And; for any still harbouring faith in America’s ultimate, if ill-administered, good intentions in foreign policy, perhaps the graphic representations of the systemic rape, torture, and murder of detained Iraqis will finally bury that enduring myth. Since the sick-making revelations last week, the Bush administration has mouthed some contrite expressions of shock, and a half-hearted apology from the Commander-in-Chief. This as his armies renew heavy attacks against civilian populations in Iraq.<br><br>

Kurt Nimmo
is a New Mexico-based photographer, multimedia developer, blogger, and author. He’s frequently published by CounterPunch.org, and is a contributor to their political anthology, ‘The Politics of Anti-Semitism.’ His own compilation book, ‘Another Day in the Empire’ is now available from Dandelion Books. Kurt Nimmo and the daily grind of world domination in the second half.<br><br>

And, Janine Bandcroft will be here at the bottom of the hour to bring us up to speed with all that’s good to do in and around Victoria this week. But first, Laura Flanders and flushing out the Bushwomen.

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook – George Monbiot Mar. 24-03

George Monbiot Mar. 24-03