Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook – Dennis Halliday – September 18, 2000

Digging through some of my old show tapes, I came across an interview I did with Denis Halliday in September of 2000. Before the next Iraq War, before 9/11, a prescient look at the "natural" progression of events culminating the "genocidal" 'U.N. Oil for Food Program' for Iraq. The script from back in the day is included below.


GR #67 Monday, September 18th CFUV 102FM 104.3 Cable 'cfuv.uvic.ca'
For more than ten years, the United Nations Security Council has enforced an embargo against Iraq. In that time, by the U.N.'s own estimates, more than a million Iraqi citizens have died as a result. Iraq is a defeated country; its infrastructure is destroyed, the economy in ruins, and its oil revenues strictly controlled. Yet, the 'victorious' alliance of western nations, including Canada, refuse to take their collective boot from the necks of the people. On today's show, Former UN Assistant Secretary-General and resigned Head of the UN Oil for Food Programme in Iraq, Denis Halliday on the continuation of a policy he's described as genocidal…

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Author: Chris Cook

Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. The show is archived at: www.gorilla-radio.com. The GR blog is at: gorillaradioblog.blogspot.com, and you can find and support the program at GRadio.Substack.com. Financial support is also possible through the Patreon site: https://www.patreon.com/PacificFreePress. He's too the past contributing editor to the web news site, www.pacificfreepress.com, (now defunct) and tweets at @paciffreepress. G-Radio is dedicated to social justice, the environment, community, and providing a forum for people and issues not covered in the corporate media. Some past guests include: M. Shahid Alam, Joel Bakan, Maude Barlow, Ramzy Baroud, David Barsamian, William Blum, Luciana Bohne, Helen Caldicott, Noam Chomsky, Paul Cienfuegos, Yves Engler, Laura Flanders, Denis Halliday, Sam Husseini, Robert Jensen, Dahr Jamail, Chalmers Johnson, Malalai Joya, Kathy Kelly, Ingmar Lee, Dave Lindorff, Stefania Maurizi, Greg Palast, Michael Parenti, John Pilger, Kevin Pina, John Ross, David Rovics, Joan Russow, Vandana Shiva, David Swanson, Andy Worthington, Mickey Z., Howard Zinn and many others.

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