Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook – Dennis Halliday – September 18, 2000

Digging through some of my old show tapes, I came across an interview I did with Denis Halliday in September of 2000. Before the next Iraq War, before 9/11, a prescient look at the "natural" progression of events culminating the "genocidal" 'U.N. Oil for Food Program' for Iraq. The script from back in the day is included below.


GR #67 Monday, September 18th CFUV 102FM 104.3 Cable 'cfuv.uvic.ca'
For more than ten years, the United Nations Security Council has enforced an embargo against Iraq. In that time, by the U.N.'s own estimates, more than a million Iraqi citizens have died as a result. Iraq is a defeated country; its infrastructure is destroyed, the economy in ruins, and its oil revenues strictly controlled. Yet, the 'victorious' alliance of western nations, including Canada, refuse to take their collective boot from the necks of the people. On today's show, Former UN Assistant Secretary-General and resigned Head of the UN Oil for Food Programme in Iraq, Denis Halliday on the continuation of a policy he's described as genocidal…

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook and Chris Hedges, Scott Ritter live December 12, 2002

GR 01-81 CFUV 102FM 104.3 Cable ‘cfuv.uvic.ca’
Monday, December 2, 2002
5:00:00 2:00 Welcome to GR, etc. It was called “a day that will live in infamy.” December 7th, 2002 will mark the sixty-first anniversary of America’s entry into the Second World War. December 8th, 2002 may too live in infamy for millions of Iraqis, and Muslims around the world. That’s the deadline imposed by the United Nations Security Council for Saddam Hussein to either comply with it’s edicts, or face another American led war. Should war happen, and few think it’s anything less than a certainty, it will be Iraq’s second war against the world. But, for America it would simply be the latest in an unbroken succession of wars and military actions it’s conducted around the world since Roosevelt’s famous ‘Day of Infamy.’ Chris Hedges has covered many of these wars, police actions, and civil conflicts. He spent more than fifteen years reporting from various fields of battle for The New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, and America’s National Public Radio. He shared the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Reporting and this year’s Amnesty International Global Award for Human Rights Journalism. He’s also published his first book, ‘War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning.’ In the first half, Chris Hedges…And, just what are the weapon inspections in Iraq about? Scott Ritter spent more than six years as a key member of the weapons inspection team that went into Iraq following the first Gulf War. He questions the need and motives behind the newest United Nations mission, and is an outspoken critic of America’s drive for war in Iraq. The former U.S. Marine Corps officer recently spoke at a symposium here at UVic and, before taking the stage, conducted a press conference. Because none of Victoria’s mainstream media showed, what followed was a casual, and candid exchange between Ritter and a few CFUV reporters. In the second half, Scott Ritter and inspecting the inspections. And, Janine Bandcroft will be here at the bottom of the hour to bring us up to speed with all that’s good to do in and around Victoria this week. But first, Chris Hedges and finding ourselves at war.

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook – Connie Fogal – ad libs Feb. 5, 2007

Thank God for Jean Chretien! Six years into the disaster on wheels to south of us, the former democratic nation of the United States of America, Canadians should be lighting candles of thanks that the former prime minister, despite his myriad political failings, had the good sense to maintain a semblence of independence in Canada's foreign police by keeping the country out of the bloody conflagration in Iraq. Sadly, he sacrificed the continuous rotation of nearly three thousand Canadians to sustain the illegal occupation of Afghanistan, another disastrous project of George W. Bush's administration. Unbelievably though, the inheritors of the keys to Sussex Drive are eager to enjoin more closely Canada's ties to Empire America.

Clever Conservative Party leader, Stephen Harper, his own ascension to power in this country contingent on massive support by agents of the U.S. regime, and his own averred adherence to that regime's militarist philosophy, is determined to carry forward the long-dreamed, in some quarters, political and economic integration of the North American continent; hitching his poltical wagon, and your children's future, to the shooting star of a doomed empire.

Connie Fogal is the leader of the Canadian Action Party. CAP has been at the fore of the fight being waged by those Canadian citizens who believe Canada should remain independent of the elephant to the south, especially in matters of foreign military adventures. Connie Fogal on the conspiracies and less so of a North American Union in the first half.

And; they blazed into Washington riding a wave of voter revulsion of the incumbent government. Scandals of epic, unprecedented dimension are the hallmark of the Bush administration, and now, with majority control of both houses of Congress, the Democratic Party is in a position to initiate, impanel, and chair congressional committees to begin the long process of redress for a criminal conspiracy centred at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and so far responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands, and the pilfering of untold billions of dollars from the U.S. treasury. David Swanson is the Washington director of Democrats.com and ImpeachPAC.org, and co-founder of the groups, After Downing street.org and Meet with Cindy.org. David Swanson and an accounting of the 110th Congress of the United States of America in the second half.

And; Janine Bandcroft will be here at the bottom of the hour to bring us up to speed with some of the good things you can get up to in and around Victoria in the coming week. But first, Connie Fogal and shining a light on the dark corners of the deep integration.