Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook – Tim Shorrock Jan. 14-08ii

Today, technology has added some disturbing wrinkles to the surveillance society. Tim Shorrock is an American journalist whose work has appeared at the Nation, Salon, Mother Jones, Harper's magazines, among other places, and his latest major piece is 'Domestic Spying, Inc.' a timely expose of the radical expansion of the surveillance of American society the Bush administration hopes to enact. Tim Shorrock and who's watching who in the second half.

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook – Naomi Wolf, J9 Jan. 14-08 i

Naomi Wolf is an American author, social critic, political acitivist and feminist. Her book ‘The Beauty Myth’ was a landmark moment for gender discourse in America, and was cited, when released in the early 1990’s, by the New York Times as “one of the most important books of the 20th Century.” Wolf’s latest book may prove too to be of equal value to the 21st Century, if in the future books of its nature are to be allowed reviewed in the Times, or anywhere else. ‘The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot’ is an urgent rallying cry to arms to all that would save American, and world democracy. Naomi Wolf in the first segment.