Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook and Oliver Schmidtke on Kosovo – May 1999

With Kosovo again in the news, a look back to one of Gorilla Radio’s first programs. In May of 1999, while the bombs were still falling on Belgrade and other places constituting the Former Republic of Yugoslavia. I recorded this interview with professor Oliver Schmidke, then of the University of Victoria. The interview was meant to be intercut with a live discussion, the tape of which has gone missing. – lex

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Katherine Hughes, Stephen Marshall, J9 Feb. 11, 2008

This week: Justice activist, Katherine Hughes following the persecution of Dr. Rafil Dhafir, still imprisoned nearly five years after his bogus arrest; award-winning film maker and author, Stephen Marshall on the betrayal of the left and Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing; and Janine Bandcroft brings us up to speed with all that’s good to do in and around Victoria in the coming week.