Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. The show is archived at: The GR blog is at:, and you can find and support the program at Financial support is also possible through Patreon: Due to excessive bandwidth demands, we’ve been forced to shut down the vast GR archive for the moment. Please check out for past shows. – Ape
This week: GR continues with its four part series of discussions with Jon Elmer from Occupied Palestine. Elmer is a Canadian freelance photojournalist, currently reporting from Bethlehem, Occupied Palestine.
This week on GR: Broadcaster and environmental activist, Sean Paton on the devastation of the Antilles isle of Bonaire by the Scientologist run cruise ship, Freewinds; investigative journalist, author, and rag-timer, Dave Lindorff on l’Affaire Gates and living in the United Police-States of America; and, Victoria Street Newz publisher, broadcaster, and activist, Janine Bandcroft recaps the 20th Pastors for Peace Caravan taking Goods to Cuba.
Listen. Hear.
Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, airing live every Monday, 5-6pm Pacific Time. In Victoria at 101.9FM, 104.3 cable, and on the internet at: He also serves as a contributing editor to the web news site, Check out the GR blog at: