Gorilla Radio Flashbacks with Chris Cook, Julia Butterfly Hill March 1, 2002

There is within us a need for the wild, an innate recognition that the fine world we’re making, straight lined, tidy, ordered, and smooth, cannot sustain our souls; there is a knowledge that our dream of dominion over nature will ultimately destroy us and yet, we suppress ourselves, madly manicuring human nature to confirm and conform to an homogenized, sanitized, commodified vision of paradise. But, there is an awakening around the world. Millions are shedding the delusion we can successfully exist extant from nature and are working to reconnect with our only home, planet Earth.

Two years ago, Julia Butterfly Hill, came to ground after the longest tree-sit since homo erectus first ventured into the African savannah. And since returning to terra firma she’s been busy planting seeds. She founded the Circle of Life Foundation, an organization dedicated to a sustainable culture of life; published, ‘The Legacy of Luna’ a book chronicling her fight to save California’s disappearing redwoods; and has traveled around the world meeting and speaking with thousands about her experiences. In the first half of the program, featured speaker at UVic’s upcoming, ‘Women and Wildness’ forum, Julia Butterfly Hill…

[Music by Madagascar’s Tarika]

Gorilla Radio Flashbacks with Chris Cook, John Ross November 27, 2000

It’s Canada’s turn to go to the polls today, and like our trading partners in the U.S. and Mexico, we’ve heard lmost nothing about the FTA, NAFTA, or the planned FTAA. Despite the profound effects these trade deals have on every aspect of life in our respective nations, the politicos are determined to peddle pap and prurience to the masses.

John Ross has written six books on Mexico, including the award winning, “Rebellion from the Roots: Indian Uprising in Chiapas” and he was in Victoria last week promoting his newest book, “The War Against Oblivion-Zapatista Chronicles, 1994-2000”.

John Ross and Mexico’s free traders.

Gorilla Radio Flashbacks with Chris Cook, Kristina Borjesson August 19, 2002

Remember: words have power; the power to put pictures in your mind.”

Never has that old Ukrainian saying been more true than when describing the media. For the last century, our ‘pictures in the mind’ have largely been manufactured by a small group of press barons and communication conglomerates. We mostly accept the limited scope of ‘all the news fit to print’ on an assumption that these privileged voices operate under tenets of objectivity and, ultimately, serving the public good. But today, that assumption does not bear scrutiny.

Kristina Borjesson knows better than most how media works; she’s a multi-award winning investigative reporter and producer whose resume includes: PBS’s Frontline, CNN Newstand, and both 60 Minutes and the CBS Evening News. But her twenty-plus years at the top of her field was no protection when she pursued a story nobody wanted told.

Now, Kristina Borjesson has edited “Into the Buzzsaw: Leading Journalists Expose the Myth of a Free Press”, a compilation of essays written by some of the most celebrated, and unjustly reviled, journalists in America. In the first half, Kristina Borjesson, caught in the “Buzzsaw.”