Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook and David Swanson, Anthony Fenton – for Monday, November 6th, 2006

This week on GR political activist David Swanson watching America's mid-term polls; Anthony Fenton and Canada's Afghanistan Adventure; and, Janine Bandcroft, brings us up to speed on all the good things to get up to in and around Victoria in the coming week.

Tomorrow is the big day south of the 49th – election day for America. It matters little that the 2000 election that brought George W. Bush to the world was rigged, or that the 2004 election that kept George W. Bush in power was fixed, tomorrow will be different; tomorrow is the day the Republicans will lose their majority control of both the house of representatives and the senate. It will be the day American democracy will be reinstated, the disastrous reign of Bush and his war party will be relinquished, and finally articles of impeachment can be entertained. Or will it? David Swanson is the Washington director of Democrats.com and ImpeachPAC.org. He is co-founder of the group, After Downing street.org and creator of Meet with Cindy.org. David Swanson and watching the polls in the first half.

And; like America, Canada too is embroiled in an illegal, immoral, sensless war that can only lead to miserable failure. Five years from its beginnings, Canadian soldiers still occupy Afghanistan. But today "The Mission" has taken on a different, and uglier direction. Since its change of character, more than thirty Canadian soldiers, and an unknown number of Aghanis have been killed. Anthony Fenton is a Vancouver-based freelance journalist and co-author of the book 'Canada in Haiti: Waging War on the Poor Majority. His newest title, The Afghanistan Adventure: Canada's foreign policy for the 21st century is due for release in the new year. Anthony Fenton in the second half.

And; Janine Bandcroft will be here at the bottom of the hour to bring us up to speed with all that's good to do in and around Victoria this week. But first, David Swanson and the beginning of the end for George W. Bush?

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook and Bill Willers – Aug 21 2006

PEJ News – C. L. Cook – This week Bill Willers, founder of Wisconsin's Superior Wilderness Action Network on endangered public space.

And, Janine Bandcroft bringing us up to speed with all that's good to do in and around Victoria this week.

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook and Len Falkenstein and jack Layton – August 14 2006

PEJ News – C. L. Cook – This week on GR; Playwright and artistic director of New Brunswick's Theatre Free Radical, Len Falkenstein and what's in store for our 'Futures.'

And, On a beautiful summer's day, I mingled with they, and local party supporters, all anxious to meet the man of the moment. All this city's NDP apparatchik, past and present, were in attendance, squeezed into the Queen Mother's Cafe, down on Victoria's Gorge waterfront.

One-time provincial NDP leader, Dave Barrett, aspirant to office, Charlie Beresford, sitting MP, Denise Savioe, and MLA, Rob Fleming, pressed the flesh, and graciously granted interviews to yours truly; I guess they hadn't read my last piece on Jack and the NDP, 'An Open Invitation to Jack Layton: Why Do We Not Fight?'

And, Janine Bandcroft bringing us up to speed with local events in the coming week.

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook and Michael M'Gonigle

This week on GR: Reinventing the University, and saving the planet with UVic professor and Eco-chair of its Environmental Law and Policy faculty, Michael M'Gonigle. And; stripping away the necessary illusions imprisoning humanity with author Richard Moore. And; Janine Bandcroft brings us up to speed with all that's good to do in and around Victoria for the coming week.

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook and David Walsh, Sarah Whalen –

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook and Sarah Whalen

Sarah Whalen is an American journalist and photographer, Islamic law expert and educator. She’s followed the recent fate of fellow Texan, Scott McClellan and will join us in this podcast.

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook and Greg Palast, Jon Elmer

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook and Greg Palast and Jon Elmer

Greg Palast is an author, erstwhile economist, reporting investigator for both London’s Guardian newspaper, and the BBC flagship news program, Newsnight, and documentary film maker.

Jon Elmer, a Canadian freelance journalist and founder of the news website, From Occupied Palestine.org.

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook and Jason Leopold, Kim Peterson

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook and Jason Leopold and Kim Petersen.

Jason Leopold is an award-winning independent journalist, who broke Enron’s no infamous California energy scam, among others, and author of the new book, News Junkie, an autobiographical account of his decent into drug addiction and petty crime. He is a former bureau chief for the Dow Jones Newswires, and past reporter for the LA Times. Jason Leopold and the story behind the news in the first half.

And; you don’t have to go to Iraq, Afghanistan, or New Orleans to experience the recent corporate mercenary phenomena; right here in Canada, the Kithcenuhmaykossib Inninuwug Ojibway First Nations’ band of Ontario are under siege. It seems Platinex, a mining company eager to exploit minerals found beneath the band’s land just won’t take NO for an answer. Their fight reveals the growing militancy of corporations, both in the courts, and in the field. Kim Petersen is co-editor of Dissident Voice, a progressive web news site, and contributor to the grassroots newspaper, The Dominion where he edits the Original Peoples section. Kim Petersen and Canada’s colonial occupation at home in the second half.

Gorilla Radio – Paul Craig Roberts and Angela Bischoff

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook

Paul Craig Roberts and Angela Bischoff.

Paul Craig Roberts is an economist, journalist, and co-author of the book, ‘The Tyranny of Good Intentions.’ Roberts describes himself still as a conservative Republican, though left behind by what the Bush administration and its policies are making of America. Paul Craig Roberts in the first half.

And; is the state of the world driving you mad? Anti-depressant drugs sales are booming, but are they the answer to depression, or a health threat?

Angela Bischoff has worked toward justice and environmental sustainable for nearly twenty years. Living in four different Canadian cities, she and
partner, Tooker Gomberg organized dozens of education and advocacy campaigns and half a dozen election bids and created the activist website, Greenspiration.org. Since the untimely death of her partner, she’s been on a speaking tour to bring awareness of the downside and dangers of
anti-depressants. Angela Bischoff in the second half.

Gorilla Radio Flashback with Chris Cook, Alison Weir, Zoe Blunt, Janine Bandcroft Nov. 2, 2009

This week: Alison Weir is a freelance journalist and lecturer, due to speak here in Victoria Thursday at the BC Government Employees Union auditorium on the topic: ‘If Canadians Knew: Israel-Palestine Beyond the Headlines.’ Zoe Blunt is with No2010 Victoria.net, and she and a few hundred kindred spirits got together in downtown Victoria on Friday to give voice to those concerned about the dark side of the Olympics movement. She’s also a Langford-based pro-activist, freelance journalist, wilderness and environmental educator, and was intimately involved with the recent Torch welcoming reception. Victoria Street Newz publisher, and CFUV broadcaster, Janine Bandcroft will be here at the bottom of the hour to keep us current on an extraordinary week in the streets of Victoria. Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, airing live every Monday, 5-6pm Pacific Time. In Victoria at 101.9FM, 104.3 cable, and on the internet at: http://cfuv.uvic.ca. He also serves as a contributing editor to the web news site, www.pacificfreepress.com. Check out the GR blog at: http://GorillaRadioBlog.blogspot.com