Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Martin Lukacs, Randy Caravaggio July 8, 2021

Welcome back to Gorilla Radio’s Home Edition, recorded on the dates, July 1st and 3rd, 2021

And welcome to Dominion Day 2021. While most citizens celebrate the country, an increasing number of Canadians are coming to recognize the yawning gulf between the popular imaginings and gruesome reality of Canada’s founding. But that ugliness is not confined to the brutal crimes of a colonial past. Canada’s rulers are currently up to their armpits in America’s global conquest; complicit today creating tomorrow’s regretable history.

Martin Lukacs is a long-time journalist and author. He’s served as environmental writer for Britain’s Guardian newspaper, and contributed to the New York Review of Book, Toronto Star, and CBC News among others. His first book, ‘The Trudeau Formula: Seduction and Betrayal in an Age of Discontent’ is a devastating “must read” according to luminary author, Naomi Klein. Lukacs is also a contributing writer and Managing Editor at The Breach, a new Canadian publication that is a quote, “…independent media outlet in Canada that produces critical journalism to help map a just, viable future…” It’s where I found his recent piece, ‘Canada building global network of military bases in aggressive shift’.

Martin Lukacs in the first half.

And; there were high hopes the change of government south would mean a reversal of Trump’s draconian Cuba policy, but nearly six months later the Biden administration has yet to move on its election promise of a return to Obama’s engagement with the Caribbean island nation. Even worse, despite the United Nations General Assembly’s (overwhelming) endorsement to remove America’s sixty years-long siege against the country the blockade continues, effecting now Cuba’s ability to react to the Covid pandemic.

Randy Caravaggio is a social justice defender and organizer with the Victoria Goods for Cuba campaign, and co-ordinator with Victoria’s contribution to the Pastor’s for Peace Caravan to Cuba.

Randy Caravaggio and gathering needful things for Cuba in the second half.

But first, Martin Lukacs and Canada’s new military foreign policy self-understanding “from concept to on-the-ground execution”.

Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, airing live every Thursday between 11-Noon Pacific Time. In Victoria at 101.9FM, and on the internet at: https://cfuv.ca. He also serves as a contributing editor to the web news site, http://www.pacificfreepress.com. Check out the GR blog at: http://gorillaradioblog.blogspot.com

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Randy Caravaggio (Long form) December 10, 2020

Welcome to Gorilla Radio recorded, December 9th, 2020

The Trump administration’s hard line on Cuba undid the diplomatic and economic advances of the Obama years. There’s hope in the long-besieged Caribbean island nation the inauguration of the 44th president’s vice-president, Joe Biden will signal a return to political rapprochement and removal of trade restrictions imposed by the departing Republicans.

But, it’s no sure thing. Though the president-elect promised a return to Obama era policies while campaigning, specifics are uncertain, and media and Senate pressures are already being applied.

Randy Caravaggio is a social justice defender and organizer with the Victoria Goods for Cuba campaign, and co-ordinator with Victoria’s contribution to the Pastor’s for Peace Caravan to Cuba. He’s also been a constant champion of the revolutions in Venezuela and Bolivia, and long-time supporter of Palestinian sovereignty.

Today, Randy Caravaggio and cautiously watching the tides of change in Cuba and Latin America.

Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, airing live every Thursday between 11-Noon Pacific Time. In Victoria at 101.9FM, and on the internet at: https://cfuv.ca. He also serves as a contributing editor to the web news site, http://www.pacificfreepress.com. Check out the GR blog at: http://gorillaradioblog.blogspot.ca/

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Diana Johnstone, Randy Caravaggio, Janine Bandcroft December 10, 2020

Welcome to Gorilla Radio’s home edition, recorded on this date, December 7th, 2020.

A year into this pandemic and amazingly there are fundamental questions about the origins and nature of the SARS-CoV-2, or Covid-19 virus still unanswered. Uncertainty, mistrust, and disinformation abound, and every day that goes by provides new opportunities for scammers, mountebanks, and scoundrels to dream up ways to turn the chaos to their advantage. But, there’s much more than PPE price gouging and toilet paper riots going on here. Over at the World Economic Forum, founders Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret see the pandemic as accelerant for the World Order paradigm change they’ve promoted in recent years.

Diana Johnstone is an author whose books include: ‘Fool’s Crusade: Yugoslavia, NATO, and Western Delusions’, ‘Queen of Chaos: The Misadventures of Hillary Clinton’, and her latest, ‘Circle in the Darkness: Memoirs of a World Watcher’. Her essays feature online at Consortium News, where her latest piece, ‘The Great Pretext…for Dystopia’ appears.

Diana Johnstone in the first half.

And; the Trump administration’s hard line on Cuba undid the diplomatic and economic advances of the Obama years. There’s hope in the long-besieged Caribbean island nation the inauguration of the 44th president’s vice-president, Joe Biden will signal a return to political rapproachment and removal of trade restrictions imposed by the departing Republicans. But, it’s no sure thing. Though the president-elect promised a return to Obama era policies while campaigning, specifics are uncertain, and media and Senate pressures are already being applied.

Randy Caravaggio is a social justice defender and organizer with the Victoria Goods for Cuba campaign, and co-ordinator with Victoria’s contribution to the Pastor’s for Peace Caravan to Cuba. He’s also been a constant champion of the revolutions in Venezuela and Bolivia, and long-time supporter of Palestinian sovereignty.

Randy Caravaggio and cautiously watching the tides of change in Cuba and Latin America in the second half.

And; CFUV Radio broadcaster and host of Plant Powered Radio, Janine Bandcroft will be here at the bottom of the hour with the Left Coast Events Bulletin of some of the good things to be gotten up to in and around our town, and virtually too, in the coming week.

But first, Diana Johnstone and Covid as pretext for a dystopic Great Reset.

Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, airing live every Thursday between 11-Noon Pacific Time. In Victoria at 101.9FM, and on the internet at: https://cfuv.ca. He also serves as a contributing editor to the web news site, http://www.pacificfreepress.com. Check out the GR blog at: http://gorillaradioblog.blogspot.ca/

Ape Goes to CAIA Victoria Nakba Commemoration May 18, 2019

CAIA Victoria Nakba Commemoration May 18, 2019

Featuring Randy Caravaggio, Larry Hannant, and music by Sharon and Alan.

Ape Goes to the Victoria CAIA March of Return Demo April 18, 2018

Went down to the demonstration. The audio features raw interviews with, in order of appearance:

Larry Hannant, “Sandra”, Randy Caravaggio, Terry Wolfwood, Angry Zionist supporter, and Marvin Sharp.

This is all happening with the continued dissolution of the Middle East in the background. Syria was bombed again in the early morning hours of April 18th, this time by a coalition of the United States, Great Britain, and France. Israel has bombed targets within Syria for several years without censure, the most recent attack occurring just last week.