Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Yves Engler, Ross Crockford February 12, 2025

Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded February 12th, 2025

Exciting times for Canadians. After riding the wake of empires for better than four centuries we find ourselves at childhood’s end, finally able to chart an independent course. And it’s all thanks to Donald Trump! Yes, there’s much to begrudge about him, but credit where’s it’s due; if not for the bellicose blatherskiting of Mammoth Mouth south we’d never leave the warmth of the metaphorical house. But what’s to become of us if we do?

Yves Engler is a Canadian journalist, author, and activist. He’s written thirteen books on and about the perfidy of Canada and its foreign policy; the latest – co-authored with Owen Schalk – is ‘Canada’s Long Fight Against Democracy’. Recent among his many articles at YvesEngler.com examining the antithetical of all writ above is ‘Feed the war machine to appease Trump is ruling class solution‘.

Yves Engler in the first half.

And; Victoria City council has hatched another World Class scheme to divest you, via tax rises, of your nest egg, and those of the next seven generations. Yes, another “desperately needed” mega-project, replete with vague cost estimates, dubious social uptake, and a returning cast of characters best known from past fiscal planning fiascos. This time it’s the aged Crystal Pool, a stone’s throw from the erstwhile Memorial Arena, and in sight on tippy-toes of the one-of-a-kind Johnson Street Bridge.

Ross Crockford is an award-winning journalist, editor, author, civic activist and co-founder of the watchdog website, JohnsonStreetBridge.org. He’s too recipient of a Western Magazine Award for business writing, the Jack Webster Award of Distinction for investigative reporting, and he’s a National Magazine Awardee for sports writing. Ross is also a regular contributor to Victoria’s Focus Magazine where his latest article, ‘How much would it cost to fix Crystal Pool?‘ rings a familiar tone.

Ross Crockford and “A Pool Too Far?” in the second half.

But first, Yves Engler and The Quisling Option: Canada running out of running room.


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at GRadio.Substack.com, and the GR blog at: https://gorillaradioblog.blogspot.com/ and on Telegram at: https://t.me/gorillaradio2024